BodyICE Woman

Preparing for Postpartum: Taking Care of Yourself After Childbirth

Preparing for Postpartum

The journey of pregnancy and childbirth is undoubtedly a beautiful and life-changing experience. However, it is important to remember that the postpartum period is equally crucial and requires careful preparation. Postpartum refers to the period immediately following childbirth, and during this time, new mothers need ample support and self-care to recover physically and emotionally. If you are an expectant mother, here are some essential steps to prepare yourself for the postpartum phase, including creating a postpartum recovery kit:

Postpartum recovery kit

Educate Yourself about Postpartum Health

One of the first steps in preparing for postpartum is educating yourself about the physical and emotional changes that occur during this period. Take the time to read books, attend childbirth preparation classes, or consult with your healthcare provider to gain an understanding of what to expect in the weeks after birth. Learning about topics such as breastfeeding, sleep deprivation, emotional health, and pelvic floor exercises will help you feel more prepared to navigate the postpartum experience.

Build a Support System

Support is crucial during the postpartum period. Prior to giving birth, reach out to trusted friends and family members and discuss your needs and expectations. Let them know how they can help you once the baby arrives. Having a support system in place will ensure that you have people to lean on when you need assistance with household chores, childcare, or emotional support.

Prepare Your Living Space

Creating a calm and soothing environment in your home can greatly contribute to your postpartum well-being. Before your bub arrives, take the time to declutter and organize your living space. Make sure essentials such as nappies, baby clothes, and feeding supplies are easily accessible. Consider setting up a comfortable breastfeeding station with pillows, nipple cream, ice pack for your breasts, reusable breast pads (nursing pads), a water bottle, and snacks. Preparing your living space in advance will save you time and energy during those initial weeks after childbirth.

Stock Up on Essentials

Stock up on postpartum recovery essentials

Running frequent errands immediately after giving birth can be physically challenging and exhausting. To ensure a smoother postpartum period, stock up on essential supplies beforehand. This may include items such as maternity pads, nursing bras, comfortable clothing, compression underwear, toiletries, and nutritious snacks. Having these essentials readily available will minimize stress and allow you to focus on your recovery and bonding with your newborn.

Create a Postpartum Recovery Kit

Postpartum Recovery Kit

A postpartum recovery kit is essential in making sure you have all the products that can help you with recovery together and in an easy to reach location. Most people like to keep their postpartum kit in the bathroom, but you can keep it wherever suits you. By having these postpartum items in one place you can easily find them when you need them.

Essential items to keep in your postpartum recovery kit include:

  • Maternity Pads or disposable maternity underwear
  • Large black high waited undies
  • BodyICE Woman Perineum Strip (keep in the freezer so it's ready to go when you need it!)
  • Peri bottle or squirt bottle to help wash and heal perineal stitches
  • Paracetamol, postnatal vitamins, Ural and any other medications you may need
  • BodyICE Woman Breast Pads (can be frozen for cold therapy and warmed for heat therapy depending on your needs). Great for treating sore breasts, breast engorgement, sore nipples and mastitis
  • Nursing Pads– our reusable nursing pads are made from the softest bamboo terry fabric, highly absorbent and suitable for day and night use
  • Moisturisers or skin oils
  • Water bottle

Postpartum recovery essentials


Plan for Self-Care

Amidst the joy and chaos of adjusting to life with a newborn, it is important not to neglect your own self-care. Prioritise taking care of your physical and mental well-being. This may involve setting boundaries with visitors, maintaining a balanced diet, getting enough sleep whenever possible, and practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation. Remember, your maternity care provider can offer valuable guidance and support tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you feel confident and supported throughout this incredible journey.

Reach Out for Professional Help if Needed

Postpartum mental health issues can affect mothers of all backgrounds. It is important to recognise the signs and symptoms of conditions such as postnatal depression and seek help if needed. If you experience persistent sadness, anxiety, feelings of guilt or hopelessness, or have difficulty bonding with your baby, reach out to your healthcare provider. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and there are many resources available to support you through this challenging time.

Preparing for postpartum is not just about buying baby gear or setting up a nursery. It is about prioritising your own physical and emotional well-being as you navigate the transition into motherhood. By educating yourself, building a support system, and taking care of yourself, you can ensure a smoother postpartum period and enjoy the precious moments with your newborn. Remember, you deserve all the love and care during this transformative time.

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